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Learn the key trends and insights around video content for 2020

What you will learn

This industry report will help you understand the trends around personalized video & interactive content, and how you can best leverage them to better engage your target audiences.

Why Giving Buyers Choice Through Interactivity Increases Engagement

Interactivity is a key aspect of buyer engagement in the current digital age, and research shows that 30% of Millennial buyers prefer interactive content.

How Personalized Content Amplifies RelationshipsWith Target Accounts

Personalization has always been an important part of the buyer’s journey, and video and interactive content hubs — when designed well — can be powerful drivers for buyer engagement.

Why Simplified Video & Interactive Content Is More Effective And Genuine

Video and interactive content creation doesn’t have to be so complex. Creating a videos that’s easily approachable can be a more effective marketing tactic than big-budget productions.

Plus more valuable insights

Marketing and sales teams planning to leverage video and interactive content need to know how to effectively create content. Learn about more of the key trends in this industry report.

"If you take that personalized approach, focusing on buyer, industry or individual company, you can curate relevant resources and customize elements to make your buyers feel seen and understood."

Alicia Esposito, CONTENT4DEMAND  —

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